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Misinformation and Disinformation: Information and Your Assignments

Information on misinformation and disinformation and methods to identify such sources.

Information Literacy at UA-PTC

UA-PTC is committed to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as established by the Association of College and Research Libraries. Therefore, all courses will incorporate an information literacy component so that, by graduation, all students will be able to recognize the need for information, then locate, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate information in an ethical manner. Information literacy encompasses critical thinking, research, media, technology, health, business, and visual literacy skills to produce lifelong learners who can make informed decisions in the workplace and in their personal lives.

Identifying and Evaluating Misinformation

A librarian lecture on misinformation and strategies for evaluating information using the CRAAP Test (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose). Recorded for a “Digital Cultures” course at the University of Utah.

Video produced by Rebekah Cummings, Digital Matters Librarian, University of Utah J.Willard Marriott Library. Used with permission. 

Books on Misinformation and Disinformation @ UA-PTC Libraries

Just a part of the facts

Misinformation and Disinformation and Research Assignments

As you work on research papers and projects you will want to use credible, truthful sources to support your points. Using sources of misinformation or disinformation, even by accident, will weaken your arguments, undermine your credibility, and may result in a lower grade on your research assignment. Here are some ways you can avoid misinformation and disinformation in your academic work.  

SIFT Method

Stop: Ask yourself if you know the source is credible and if the information seems like it could be true. If in doubt, search to see if you can verify the information but keep your purpose in mind. Fact-checking to share a post does not need to be as extensive as fact-checking for your research project.

Investigate the source: Take a minute to determine the reputation, expertise, and agenda of the source.

Find better coverage: Determine if the information shared in the original source is valid by looking for additional reputable sources that share the same information. If the information can be verified by a more reputable source, it might be better to cite that source. 

Trace claims, quotes, and media to the original context: If video or quote is just a piece of a longer video or article, try to find the original to get the complete context. 

All information in this box is adapted from SIFT creator Mike Caulfield's open online course

Search Tips to Avoid Using Fake News Misinformation and Disinformation In Your Research Assignments

Nothing is foolproof, but there are a few steps you can take to avoid, or at least minimize the likelihood, of using fake news sources in your papers and projects. 

1. Try searching for non-internet sources. For the most part, information in books and published articles in academic journals, magazines, and newspapers does not include misinformation or disinformation. Search for books and articles in the UA-PTC Libraries Catalog.                       

2. When searching  try using a Site Operator in front of you search term to limit to likely credible sites. For example: will limit your results to government sites as in immigration will limit your results to organizations as in heart disease

3. Still not sure about a website or social media post? Try using the SIFT Method to quickly check the source.     

4. When in doubt, check it out. If you have any doubts about the information that you are using, try verifying it with another source. The When in Doubt, Check it Out box on the right has links to fact checking websites. 

Evaluating Sources for Credibility

This source should be credible, but...

Sometimes you might have information from a source that would normally seem credible due to the source's position or affiliations with credible organizations, but you also find contradictory information from other normally credible sources. In these cases you might present information from all sources to show that there is a question as to which information source is valid.

For example, we have this account of a tragic accident from Samuel Arnold's Juvenile Amusements in 1797:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Other sources present more specific, although conflicting versions of the story. An 1810 account from Gammer Gurton's Garland by Joseph Ritson gives an exact count of the men who came to help, but doesn't mention horses at all:

Humpty Dumpty sate [sic] on a wall,
Humpti Dumpti [sic] had a great fall;
Threescore men and threescore more,
Cannot place Humpty Dumpty as he was before.  

To complicate matters further in 1842, James Orchard Halliwell published this version of the story which has Humpty Dumpty falling into a mountain stream, with doctors and builders attending to his injuries:

Humpty Dumpty lay in a beck.
With all his sinews around his neck;
Forty Doctors and forty wrights
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty to rights!

Since we can't reasonably determine which version of events might be true, it is acceptable to present all accounts, while attributing the various accounts to their sources. For example we might sum up these three accounts of Humpty Dumpty's accident like this:

Humpty Dumpty had an accident which resulted in serious injury. Accounts vary but Samuel Arnold and Joseph Ritson stated that Mr. Dumpty fell from a wall, while James Orchard Halliwell said that Mr. Dumpty “lay in a beck” or a mountain stream. The accounts estimated that as many as 120 men and possibly an unknown number of horses came to his aid but were unable to restore Mr. Dumpty to health.

“Humpty Dumpty” Wikipedia, Accessed 3 Feb. 2017


6 Tips for Identifying Misinformation and Disinformation

  1. Check the source behind the headline. 
  2. Look for clearly false information elsewhere in the article.
  3. Spend a little time background checking the information.
  4. Look for source citations—and check them!
  5. Check that any graphs or plots make numerical sense.
  6. Keep an eye out for these fake news red flags.

To read more each of these tips or hear the podcast from Sabrina Stierwalt, PhD, Everyday Einstein here.

Using SIFT to Evaluate Sources

Video from Vanderbilt Libraries Teaching & Learning

When in Doubt, Check it Out

The Five C's of Critical Consuming

1. Context

2. Credibility

3. Construction

4. Corroboration

5. Compare

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