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To access the LibGuide for all of the committees, visit the Shared Governance Archive. Other shared governance information is located on the UA-PTC Shared Governance website.
Meeting documents should follow the following naming conventions. This will keep the names consistent and easier to identify and locate. Agendas and minutes should be named with the 4-digit year (YYYY), 2-digit month (MM), 2-digit date (DD), council or committee acronym, and the name of the document. The meeting date is always YYYY-MM-DD. Additional documents shared in the meeting should be named by the original file name with the council/committee acronym and full date (as indicated above) in parentheses.
Important! Save all documents in the PDF format before uploading to the LibGuide.
Document Type |
For example, the Valuing Stakeholders (VSC) agenda for September 19, 2018, documents would be listed as: |
Agendas |
2018-09-19 VSC Agenda |
Minutes |
YYYY-MM-DD ABC Minutes |
2018-09-19 VSC Minutes |
Other Documents |
File Name (ABC YYYY-MM-DD) |
Employee Awards (VSC 2018-09-19) |
In the examples in the middle column above, “ABC” represents the council or committee acronym. |
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This information and more can be found in the printer-friendly instructions at the right, Accessing and Uploading Meeting Documents to LibGuides.
Refer to the Shared Governance Guidelines for more information.
Ottenheimer-North Library
Ottenheimer-South Library
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