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University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College

Ottenheimer Libraries

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Education: Finding Books

School of Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

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Except for some special collections like Children's, books in the UA-PTC Libraries are arranged according to the Library Of Congress Classification System. In this system call numbers starting with the letter L indicate books that focus on Education. Some specific call numbers for Early Childhood Education subject areas are below:

Call Number Subject

Early Childhood Education

LB1140-1140.5 Preschool Education. Nursery Schools
LB1141-1489 Kindergarten
LB1501-1547      Primary Education
LB1555-1602 Elementary or Public School Education

Children's Collection Books

Books in the Children's Collection are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System. This is the same arrangement that you would find in school and public libraries.

Fiction books are arranged in two broad categories as indicated by the beginning of the call number:

E: Easy Reader books for reading to a child. Arranged alphabetically by author with the first three letters of the authors name as the second line of the call number as in:


Fic: Fiction chapter books, which usually have fewer pictures and are designed for independent reading. Arranged alphabetically by author with the first three letters of the authors name as the second line of the call number as in:


Nonfiction books are arranged by subject first, then the author's last name. Call numbers for nonfiction books appear like this:


Below are the basic Dewey Decimal Classification subject divisions:

000 Computer science, information & general works
100 Philosophy & psychology
200 Religion
300 Social sciences
400 Language
500 Science
600 Technology
700 Arts & recreation
800 Literature
900 History & geography

Downloading eBooks from the UA-PTC Library Catalog

The UA-PTC Library Catalog includes print books at all three library locations and electronic books that you can view on your computer or download to your computer or portable device. See the instruction sheet above for your computer or device for complete details.

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Award Winning Books

Suggested Education Books @ UA-PTC Libraries

Suggested Education E-Books @ UA-PTC Libraries

NOTE: If you are accessing these e-books from off-campus, you will need to log in using your UA-PTC Portal User Name and Password.

Subject Guide

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Veronica Stewart
3000 West Scenic Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72118

New Children's books at UA-PTC

Ottenheimer-North Library

Ottenheimer-South Library

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