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Common Mistakes Made When Presenting Your PowerPoint Presentation.
With all the effort you put into creating the presentation, it makes sense to actually present it well. Below are four common mistakes people tend to make when giving a PowerPoint presentation, and how to correct them.
* For more detailed information, see attachment below.
It’s Academic. (2006). Power point presentations do’s and don’ts. Retrieved from
Guidelines For Using Visual Aids
Presenting With PowerPoint - 15 Do’s and Don’ts
1. Hold up your end with compelling material
2. Keep it simple
3. Minimize statistics & facts in slides
4. Don't parrot PowerPoint
5. Avoid difficult to read fonts
6. Avoid text with shadows
7. Avoid choosing too many fonts
8. Set up the presentation before you begin
9. Make fonts large for visibility
10. Time your remarks
11. Give it a rest
12. Use vibrant colors
13. Import other images and graphics
14. Distribute handouts at the end — not during the presentation
15. Edit ruthlessly before presenting
* For more detailed information, see attachment below.
It’s Academic. (2006). Power point presentations do’s and don’ts. Retreived
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