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University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College

Ottenheimer Libraries

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Social Sciences: Find Books

School of Fine Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Search the Online Catalog

You can search for both print and electronic books through the Library's online catalog. Type the keyword(s) in the search bar below and then hit 'Search'. Keywords can be any combination of words from the author, title, or subject fields. Examples are:

  • anthropology
  • revolut* and United States (will retrieve revolution, revolutionary, revolutions and so on COMBINED with United States)
  • Sigmund Freud (books by or about Sigmund Freud)

Tip: Keep in mind that you only need a few keywords for any search.  The more words you enter the fewer results you will find.  Try to limit your keywords to 3 or less. 

Additionally, you don't not have to search by keyword. You can also search by Title, Author, Subject, Journal Title, or Call Number. Keyword searching is the best choice though when looking for a resources on a topic.

Browsing the Shelves

If you'd prefer to peruse our shelves rather than search our catalog, most psychology books can be located under the following Library of Congress call numbers beginning with BF. Further specific subclass locations are:

  • Psychology: BF 1-990
  • Psychoanalysis: BF 173-175.5
  • Psychological tests & testing: BF 176-176.5
  • Experimental Psychology: BF 180-198.7
  • Comparative Psychology: BF 660-685
  • Developmental Psychology: BF 712-724.85
  • Parapsychology: BF 1001-1389
  • Occult Sciences: BF 1404-2055

Additional psychology locations outside of the BF call numbers:

  • Neurophysiology and neuropsychology: QP 351-495
  • Psychiatry: RC 435-571
  • Psychoanalysis (Medicine): RC 500-510
  • Psychopathology: RC 512-569.5

You can also browse the catalog for books and DVDs using these subject keywords.

Psychology Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

EBSCOhost eBook Databases

You no longer have to come to the Library to read books in our collection! 

  EBSCOhost eBook Collection     eBook Community College Collection

  • Available off-campus using your myPTC username and password 
  • Provides online access to full-text books coering a wide range of subjects
  • Over 20,000 titles that were originally published on paper but are now available online
  • Read directly from your computer screen
  • Print up to 60 pages (Note: There is a 20 page print limit in the Library)
  • Create PDFs of chapters or page ranges (up to 60 pages)
  • Download eBooks to your computer, Apple or Android devices, and Kindle for up to 2 weeks!

Downloading eBooks requires signing up for a free MyEBSCOhost account as well as additional viewing requirements. The viewing requirements for different devices are:

  • Computer: Adobe® Digital Editions 1.7.1 or higher is required for offline viewing (To sign up for and download this software is free.)
  • Apple or Android devices: Bluefire Reader is recommended (This app can be downloaded from your respective App Store for free.)
  • Kindle: PDFs can be created in the eBook Full Text view and transferred using Send To Kindle (Instructions on how to use the Send to Kindle feature can be found here)

Instructions for downloading eBooks to various devices:

Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry

Interesting Books and eBooks Related to Psychology

Below is a list of psychology related books and ebooks the library has in the collection. In order to access ebooks off-campus you will need to use your student ID # and 8 digit birthday to log in. (Example: Log In: 123456789 / Password: 01011900)

Ottenheimer-North Library

Ottenheimer-South Library

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