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University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College

Ottenheimer Libraries

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UA-Pulaski Technical College Libraries Assessment: Library Surveys

Assessment efforts made by UA-Pulaski Technical College Libraries

Laptop Loan Survey Fall 2024

Results of a survey of students who borrowed a laptop from UA-PTC Libraries during the Fall 2024 semester. Twelve responses were received.

         No responses were recorded for the question "How were the technology  problems with the laptop resolved?"

Laptop Loan Survey Spring 2024

Results of a survey of students who borrowed a laptop from UA-PTC Libraries during the Spring 2024 semester. Eighteen responses were received.



Laptop Loan Survey Fall 2023

Results of a survey of students who borrowed a laptop from UA-PTC Libraries during the Fall 2023 semester. Twenty-two responses were received.



Laptop Loan Survey Spring 2023

Results of a survey of students who borrowed a laptop from UA-PTC Libraries during the Spring 2023 semester. Twelve responses were received.


Laptop Loan Survey Fall 2022

Results of a survey of students who borrowed a laptop from UA-PTC Libraries during the Fall 2022 semester. Twenty-three responses were received.


Laptop Loan Survey Fall 2021

Results of a survey of students who borrowed a laptop from UA-PTC Libraries during the Fall 2021 semester. Sixteen responses were received.


Student Survey 2011

A student survey was conducted in 2011 at both the Ottenheimer North and Ottenheimer South Locations. The survey received 231 responses at Ottenheimer North and 71 responses at Ottenheimer South.

At Ottenheimer North 140 students identified themselves as First-Year College Students.

At Ottenheimer South 31 students identified themselves as First-Year College Students. 


New Student Survey Student Success Fair Fall 2010

A student survey was conducted in 2010 at both the Ottenheimer North and Otteneheimer South Locations. The survey received a total of 842 responses with 539 students identifying themselves as First-Year College Students.

PTC Ottenheimer Library Users Survey Fall 2008

A student survey was conducted in 2008. The survey received a total of 123 responses with 39 students identifying themselves as First-Year College Students.

Ottenheimer-North Library

Ottenheimer-South Library

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