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University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College

Ottenheimer Libraries

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UA-Pulaski Technical College Libraries Assessment: Co-Curricular Assessment

Assessment efforts made by UA-Pulaski Technical College Libraries

Co-Curricular Assessment of UA-PTC Libraries

UA-PTC Libraries Assessment has shifted to review multiple areas of contribution to the college. The Libraries and Library Staff are sponsors and frequent collaborators in co-curricular activities. 

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week celebrations are UA-PTC Libraries longest running co-curricular activity. For one week every fall students are encouraged to learn about their freedom to read and to participate in programs such as Read-Outs and podcasts. See the Banned Books Week LibGuide for more information.

ILO #3 Communication 2020-2021

Institutional-Level Assessment Report ILO #3 Communication 2020-2021 

Library contributions to learning and co-curricular activities:

Ottenheimer-North Library

Ottenheimer-South Library

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