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Professional Development Institute: FAQ for Webinars

Professional Development

Free webinar providers

Webinars are offered by all sorts of organizations.  If you have a membership to any type of national organization, you probably have access to their webinars. Some organizations offer access to their webinars for free.

Below are a few place you can find free webinars:

ASCD Webinars: A ton of free webinars on faculty development

edWeb: free webinars with CE credit

Innovative Educators: free and for-a-fee training on higher education topics

ASAP: free and for-a-fee webinars for administrative professionals

YouTube: search webinars/videos on your topic


Can I watch the webinar from my office? Isn't that the idea of a webinar?
It depends. Whether you can view a webinar from your office is based on several things.

  1. If we pay for a webinar, we pay for one connection point to the webinar. This means you have to attend at the location we have scheduled. 
  2. If the webinar is free, we advertise it and ask you to sign up to get access. This means you can view it from your office or at a place of your choosing, but you are responsible for registering and connecting.
  3. In many cases, we have access to webinar recordings. For the ones we have single-use licenses for, we would have to schedule a time to show the video, but we can schedule the training at a time that fits your needs or for your office or department.  For the ones we have campus licenses for, you can register for one of the online courses to get access.

I saw a webinar title on the list, and I want to schedule it for my department. What do I do?
Just let us know. Contact PDI staff and tell us when you want the training scheduled. We will set it up and advertise it, if you want us to. We will also provide an attendance sheet and evaluations. Participants will get PD credit for attending.

How do I know which webinars are available online?
Currently, most of the on-demand webinars are in the Faculty Development online course. Click on the tab for Online Courses and then choose Faculty Development to see the list.

I found a webinar that I would like to view. Will you pay for it?
This depends on things like the topic, the audience, and the budget. If you find something you want, contact us and we will discuss it with you.

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