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We have several online modules that focus on online learning, and more will be added soon. To see what's available, click the Online PD tab above and select either Digital Instructor or Faculty Development. You will have to register to get access to the training.
There are also tutorials on the Blackboard Support and Training page.
Links for using Collaborate Ultra and MS Teams
Please note that our Blackboard instance is NOT Ultra, but our Collaborate IS Ultra.
Let your students know what to expect. If the College cancels face-to-face classes, your students need to know exactly what your plans are for continuing classes, such as how you plan to contact them to provide further instructions (through email, Blackboard, Remind, etc.) or if the course will be moving to Blackboard.
It is important to note that some of your students may not have a computer with Internet access at home. You should probably survey your students to find out what they have and discuss possible solutions. Smart phones give them limited access, but smart phones are not the best option if your students need to write papers.
Prepare your Blackboard courses. Assuming you can move your courses, at least for a limited time, to the online environment, you should probably start setting up the basics now. Go ahead and add your syllabus and any files you can. As you are supposed to be putting grades in Blackboard now, even if you do not teach online, you already have course shells in place. You are ready to start building.
If you do not know how to use Blackboard:
Create content for your courses. Assuming you are not using someone else’s course, you will need to create content, at least enough to cover the time face-to-face classes will be canceled. Keep in mind that your materials must meet ADA compliance, so students with disabilities can access them. This means all videos must be captioned, or you must provide an alternate suitable method of providing the material.
Some options:
If your students do not have access to a computer, there are still a few options (all of which still work if your students do have access to a computer and the Internet):
Ottenheimer-North Library
Ottenheimer-South Library
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