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Level 1 is a "live" course, which basically means participants will be working through the modules in the same order and at the same pace. This course is designed to give faculty the student perspective, to give them a more realistic idea of how students perceive online courses. Faculty will have a better understanding of the workload and time requirements, efficacy of utilizing various tools, and more insight into the technical issues our students may experience. This course will be offered once per fall and spring semesters.
Digital Instructor Program |
Level 1: Basics |
Level 2: Intermediate (Self-paced, Online) |
Level 3: Advanced (Self-paced, Online) |
Registration Use the links above to register for the level/s you wish to get access to. Registration is not automatic, so you cannot start working in the courses right away. Once you have been added to the course, which is housed in Blackboard, you will get a confirmation and welcome letter that will tell you how to proceed.
Ottenheimer-North Library
Ottenheimer-South Library
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